

AITS関東支部長 松下佳世
JAITS「通訳翻訳研究における会話・談話分析の可能性プロジェクト」代表 吉田理加

【日時】 2021年7月23日(金・祝)15時00分~16時30分
【会場】 オンライン(ZOOM)
【講演者】 Prof. Sandra Hale
Professor of Interpreting and Translation,
University of New South Wales
【言語】 英語、英語・日本手話通訳、
【参加費】 会員・非会員ともに無料
【申込】 要申し込み。下のURLよりお申し込みください。
【定員】 300名。残席僅かです。先着順で定員になり次第締め切ります。


Police interpreting research: Effects of mode, presence and training



Countries with high immigrant and refugee intakes, as well as indigenous and deaf communities, require interpreters in order for communication to take place in public service settings. Legal settings constitute high stakes situations, where communication breakdowns can lead to serious consequences. However, the extent to which an interpreter can influence the interaction may differ depending on a number of factors, including interpreters’ competence, ethics, specialized training in legal interpreting as well as the conditions under which they must work. Research into police interpreting is very limited and still emerging. This paper will present a summary of the results of three experimental studies of police interpreting that investigated the effect of mode (consecutive vs simultaneous), presence (face-to-face vs remote) and interpreter background (education, training and experience) on interpreting outcomes. The studies simulated police interviews with a non-English speaker (Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish speaking) and an interpreter. The interviews were audio/video recorded and later transcribed for analysis. Each individual performance was assessed for a range of features by raters who were blind to the interpreters’ background, education and location.




ヘイル博士は司法通訳研究分野で豊富な研究実績を誇っている。多数の著書・論文のうち、単著はThe Discourse of Court Interpreting(2004/2010)と『コミュニティ通訳―オーストラリアの視点による理論・技術・実践』(2014)[原著:Community Interpreting(2007)]を出版している。後者はスペイン語と日本語に翻訳されている。また、Jemina Napierとの共著Research Methods in Interpretingを含む4冊の書籍の共著者でもある。その他、論文執筆および研究書の分担執筆多数。


Dr Sandra Hale is Professor of Interpreting and Translation at the University of New South Wales, where she convenes the Interpreting and Translation Programs and teaches Interpreting in community, legal and conference settings.

She is a NAATI accredited and certified Spanish<>English translator and Conference interpreter and has many years of experience interpreting in community, legal and international settings. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts in Interpreting and Translation, a Diploma of Education (Spanish and Italian), a Master of Applied Linguistics and PhD in court interpreting/forensic linguistics. She was conferred a Doctorate Honoris Causa in recognition for her contribution to community interpreting research by the University of Antwerp in 2014.

She has conducted much of her research into legal interpreting issues. She is the sole author of the books: The Discourse of Court Interpreting (2004/2010) and Community Interpreting (2007), translated into Spanish and Japanese, and co-author of four other books, including Research Methods in Interpreting with Jemina Napier. She has also written numerous journal articles and book chapters.

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