


【タイトル】ISO 17100 Translation Workflow in Your Classroom: Course Design and Ongoing Development
【発表者】John McLean (Yasuda Women's University)
Translation workflows such as the one defined in the ISO 7100 (International Organization for Standardization, 2015) provide framework for the collaborative production and improvement of a translation irrespective of the language locale, text purpose or omain. When incorporated into the design of a translation course, they an facilitate student development of not only linguistic and metalinguistic but also strategic and interpersonal skills and knowledge which, as the EMT expert group (2009) point out, are fundamental to the field of professional translation. As with any group activity, interpersonal disputes and differences of opinion are inevitable. However, while these differences―henceforth referred to as conflict―are fundamental to both the improvement of a translation and students’ development of strategic and interpersonal skills and knowledge, they can also negatively impact group functioning and performance. In this project-research presentation, I draw on learning from the academic fields of translation, management, and education, and my experience as a translator, translation project manager, and translation educator to propose a method to design a collaborative translation course based on the ISO 17100 translation workflow that includes measures to mitigate negative instances of conflict and enhance group functioning. Then, within the theoretical framework of conflict, to facilitate course development, I propose an exploratory action research approach to identify and categorize instances of conflict and assess their impact on learning.
EMT expert group. (2009). Competences for professional translators, experts in multilingual and multimedia communication. European Commission. N.p., 17.
International Organization for Standardization. (2015). ISO 17100: Translation services –
Requirements for translation services. Retrieved from http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=59149

【タイトル】CRITT TPR-DB(ENJA15)を用いた翻訳プロセス研究の暫定分析結果
【発表者】山田 優(関西大学)
CRITT TPR-DB(Translation Process Research – Database)は、多言語の翻訳ロセス研究データベースであり、2015年よりMichael Carl氏との共同研究で、日におけるデータ収集を開始した(ENJA15)。現在までに38人の翻訳者の通常訳、ポストエディット、音声入力翻訳の3モードの訳出データ(キーストローク、アイトラッキングを含む)が集まった。本発表では、TPR-DBの概要および翻訳者の認知負荷に関する)暫定分析結果を示す。
*CRITT=Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and ranslation Technology

【参加費】会員:無料  非会員:1,000円(学生500円)
【出席の連絡】3月12日(土)までに、三ツ木(mmitsugi@mail.doshisha.ac.jp) または田辺(tanabe@mail.kobe-c.ac.jp)までお願いします。なお、終了後懇親会を予定しています。お気軽にご参加下さい。