

関西支部は9月6日に関西大学大学院外国語教育学研究科、関西IT研、染谷科研 (No.24320112)と共催で国際コロキアムを開催することになりました(後援:日本コンベンションサービス株式会社)。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

 2014Kansai University, Osaka
 Sept. 6 (Sat) 2014
 10:00-12:00 Notetaking Workshop 
Title: Introduction to the Matyssek Method of Notetaking 
Instructor: Annika HANSEN, Interpreter (German, English, Japanese), Institute for Translation and Interpreting, University of Heidelberg. 
 ※Language of instruction: English/Japanese Max. number of participants: 32 (advance registration needed) 
 12:20-13:20 Luncheon Meeting 
Guest Speaker: Tatsuya KOMATSU, Interpreter; Select Professor, Akita International University; Advisor, SimulInternational, Inc.
 Topic: Looking Back on the History of Interpreter Training in Japan since 1960 — A  Personal Reflection(我が国における 60 年代以降の通訳教育の歴史を振り返る) 
13:40-15:50 Special Lectures 
Lecture 1: Semiology and Conceptual Schema in Consecutive Notes  (逐次通訳ノートにおける記号とスキーマ) 
Speaker: Dr. Cheng-Shu YANG, Director, Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies,  Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan. 
Lecture 2: Theory and Practice of Notetaking: Cognitive-Psychological Perspectives  (通訳ノートの理論と実技――認知・⼼理学的アプローチ) 
Speaker: Dr. Hiromi ITO, ESIT (École Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs), the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle, ParisⅢ. 
16:00-17:00 Q&A and Mini Symposium 
Fee:\2,000(including lunch and tea)※Special rate available for students and JAITS members. 
Registration and Inquiry: Via Web form at http://someya-net.com/ICIE2014.html, or send email to Yasumasa 
Someya <someya@someya-net.com> or Tomomi Nishimura <nishimur@tachibana-u.ac.jp>. 
Organizers/Sponsors: Kansai Chapter of the Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies; Graduate School of FLER, Kansai University; Kansai IT Research Initiative; JSPS Grant-in-Aid Project No.24320112 
Corporate sponsor: Japan Convention Services, Inc. 
Program Chair/Co-Chair: Yasumasa Someya (Kansai Univ.), Tomomi Nishimura (Kyoto Tachibana Univ.)