



2016年2月27日(土) 13:30~16:00
13:30-14:30 研究発表 Sang-bin Lee (韓国外国語大学准教授)
14:45-16:00 ディスカッサント(松下佳世(ICU)、武田珂代子(立教大))との質疑応答、参加者全員とのフリーディスカッション

立教大学 池袋キャンパス マキムホール10階第2会議室

Lee(韓国外国語大学 English for International Conferences and Communication 准教授)
題目:Assessment of interpreting performances by/for undergraduate students: A South Korean case
In South Korea, translation and interpreting (T&I) has been perceived by many as very useful for advancing their foreign language proficiency and getting access to better job opportunities. This perception motivated some universities and colleges to develop an undergraduate T&I degree program within a pre-existing, related program. Currently, in Seoul alone, there are three such universities: Dongguk University, KyungHee University, and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS). One of the major issues raised by interpreter trainers in the three programs is about how to assess undergraduate students’ performances in a reliable way. To my knowledge, most of the trainers use a holistic/impressionistic rating method for summative assessment. Against this
background, I will introduce my research studies based on the following topics:
–  An overview of the three undergraduate T&I degree programs;
– Undergraduate students’ interpreting self-efficacy;
–  A new analytic scale for assessing undergraduate students’ consecutive interpreting
performances; and
–  Summative peer assessment by undergraduate interpreting students using the rating scale.

【参加費】会員:無料、非会員:1,000円 (学生500円)