


カタカナ語の使用が限定的であった明治期の日本では、「sports = スポーツ」という翻訳の等価が容易に成立しなかったことは想像に難くない。では、どのような言葉によって、近代日本の身体は文明化されたのであろうか。本発表では、明治初期に出版された文部省『百科全書』の一編である漢加斯底爾訳「体操及戸外遊戯」という翻訳テクストの読解を通して、日本における「文明化の過程」に焦点を合わせる。
【発表者】Ruselle Meade (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellow, the University of Tokyo)
【題目】Translators as mediators of technical knowledge in the Meiji period
【要旨】This talk examines the practices of translators of books on technology during the Meiji period. Much has been written about technology transfer in Japan during the late nineteenth century but most of this work has focused on elite engineers, who often had competence in Western languages and experience as ryūgakusei. However, it was often technical translators who acted as mediators of technical knowledge for both the general public as well as rank and file engineers. The technical and linguistic constraints under which they worked were a catalyst for creativity, and they often made radical interventions in texts. Examining what they chose to translate, how they presented these texts and the changes in their practices over time provides insight into, not just the development of a modern technical community in Japan, but of Meiji society at large.


水野 的 (a-mizuno(a)fa2.so-net.ne.jp)