


モナ・ベーカー教授(マンチェスター大学 国際翻訳・異文化研究所)講演
【日 時】2016年7月18日(月・祝)15時~16時半
【場 所】神戸女学院大学文学部2号館LAII-22教室
【演 題】Ethics in the Translation/Interpreting Curriculum and Profession
Translator and interpreter education has traditionally sidestepped the issue of ethics. At most, students are made aware of existing professional codes of ethics, which generally focus on the relationship between the translator and the client and stress the need for impartiality and fidelity. But translators and would be translators need to adopt a more reflective and critical stance towards the tasks in which they engage; they have a responsibility towards participants other
than the client who pays their fees, and indeed towards society at large.
 Postgraduate education in particular must encourage translation and interpreting students to reflect on their own positioning and must prepare them for some of the ethical dilemmas they are likely to encounter in the real world. The presentation will elaborate on this argument and will focus on how ethics may be incorporated into the curriculum and how students may be encouraged to reflect on ethical questions in their own work and in the work of other translators and interpreters.