

日本通訳翻訳学会「翻訳研究育成プロジェクト」日本通訳翻訳学会では10月29日(土)にマンチェスター大学のMona Baker教授をゲストにお迎えし、Corpora as a Resource for Investigating the Linguistic Behaviour of Professional Translators と題した翻訳コーパスワークショップを開催します。
ゲスト:Mona Bakerマンチェスター大学教授
内容:Corpora as a Resource for Investigating the Linguistic Behaviour of
Professional Translators

The Translational English Corpus held at the Centre for Translation &
Intercultural Studies at the University of Manchester is a computerised collection
of authentic, published translations into English from a variety of source
languages and by a wide range of professional translators. This resource, and its
accompanying research agenda, have revolutionized the study of some aspects of
translation. Access to the Corpus is available freely on the web, and many
scholars and institutions in various parts of the world draw on it heavily in
their research. It provides the basis for investigating a range of issues to do
with the distinctive nature of translated text, the style of individual translators, the impact of individual source languages on the patterning of English, the impact of text type on translation strategies, and other issues of interest  to both the translation scholar and the practitioner.
連絡先:水野 的 a-mizuno@fa2.so-net.ne.jp

なお当日は午後1時から2時30分まで、同じ立教大学(池袋キャンパス)でMona Baker教授の公開講演会も行われます。講演の題目は、“Contesting and Contested Narratives: English as the Lingua Franca of Global Conflict”です。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。講演会と上記ワークショップに連続して参加することもできます。