


日時:3月30日(日)午後1:30 –
ゲスト:Robert De Silva教授(神田外国語大学)
題目:Explicitation in the English Translations of Japanese Media Texts
要旨:It is common to find various types of explicitation in translated texts. Translators (or editors) decide what needs to be added to enable the target readers to understand a text. The focus of my study is on the types of explicitation in the English translations of Japanese media texts, specifically the short daily column Tensei Jingo from the Asahi Shimbun. While the majority of examples of explicitation were for references to Japanese culture-specific information, a large number of examples were for references to Western culture, the culture of the intended target readership. A possible explanation for these examples of seemingly unnecessary explicitation could be the difference between rhetorical expectations in Japan and the U.S. These differences can be described using Hall’s (1983) concepts of high-context and low-context cultures. A related concept derived from contrastive rhetorical studies is that of reader responsibility and writer responsibility (Hinds 1987). Using these concepts, I will mainly focus on explicitation for proper nouns (names and geographic details) and cultural referents.
参加費:会員無料 非会員1,000円
連絡先:a-mizuno(a)fa2.s0-net.ne.jp 水野まで。